Daniel Hiller

Software engineer greybeard with a history of 20+ years transforming ☕ into useful stuff for others.

Blog posts

fingerprint fedora 

Since I tend to forget how to disable and re-enable the fingerprint sensor on my Lenovo Thinkpad, here’s how to do it on the shell.


docker containerd fedora f39 

containerd-1.6.23-1 is broken on Fedora 39. This causes running containers with docker to fail. I normally use podman but for some tasks I rely on docker. I.e. when testing prow jobs locally, I use phaino, which seems to use containerd under the hood.


android podcast 

I really enjoy listening to podcasts, as you can do this while you are doing something else that you don’t need to pay that much attention to (read: bathroom activities etc.)


linux root cleanup diskspace 

I recently had the disk space problem again, so I resized the partitions as described in an earlier article to give my home partition a bit more space. I needed this as I have a lot of projects in my working projects directory, additionally I am preparing a talk for a conference, where I need to convert virtual machine file system files, and those are quite big.


linux intellij ide configuration 

In my previous article I have shared how to run multiple versions of IntelliJ IDEA. Recently I had some funny stuff going on with the desktop items for applications. How to go about adding and updating these I’d like to share in this article, so my future self can have a look how to do that should the need arise.


linux fedora filesystem lvm encryption 



linux fedora tty console gnome 

tl;dr Use ALT + CTRL + F3 to switch to console tty3, switch back to recent wm session with ALT + CTRL + F2


java jenv openjdk osx homebrew 

Happy new near everyone!


svn log 

TLDR: Here’s how to fetch the commits you yourself did for the last X days. The example does it for last two weeks:


svn gpg-agent 

Here’s how to configure gpg-agent for in memory svn password caching.


aws s3 bash 

Another oneliner to backup all s3 buckets to local file storage:


git alias 

Here I’m just jotting down some handy git aliases I’ve become accustomed to use.


git osx 

This one is just for me so I don’t forget this “one-liner”. Updates all git repositories in direct subdirectories. Works on OS X :)


linux intellij ide configuration 

I love Intellij very much. I like the jetbrains EAP program for trying out new features of the IDE. After being screwed a couple of times replacing a working installation by a faulty one, I elaborated a way of keeping several versions of Intellij in parallel.


java mock spring retry 

I’ve often had the problem that when checking for a working retry mechanism (btw. spring-retry works great) I wanted to first throw an exception and then return a value or whatever else is necessary.


git alias 

After wrestling with the global .gitconfig file for installing aliases like a shortcut for status using vi, I thought there must be an easier way, and there is (as always when using git):


git alias 

Put these into your .gitconfig below the alias section:


tdd infinitest 

Making your Test driven development faster in real projects

When you are practicing TDD like I do you may blindly know your keyboard shortcut to start your test runs after you’ve changed something. Or do you still use your mouse? :-)


tdd bugfix 

Just a quick note to myself for how to do bug fixing:


tdd xp automation 

I’ve come to write this short article because I had some discussion with a developer about why he does not test. This discussion made me remember that many teams either don’t do testing, neither on unit nor on integration level, or do it very sparsely. So I’ve come to write down a list of reasons that I’ve encountered and some questions that anyone hiding behind those reasons should have answers for.


xml lint format 

So I got fed up recently when reloading a url to check an xml result using Chrome because I was using HTTP basic authentication also. Chrome was annoying me because each time I switched from no auth to auth I had to manually remove all browser data and restart chrome.


tdd xp german 

Ich liebe TDD. Nicht deswegen, weil es so ein toller Hype ist, oder weil mich die Theorie vollkommen überzeugt hat. Sondern deswegen, weil es mir schon oft den Hintern gerettet hat.


java swing 

Recently our customers experienced problems running our software after updating to JRE6U12. In detail on Windows XP the desktop application would hang directly after connecting to the database. Downgrading the RE to U11 fixed the problem so we first thought it was a bug in the JRE.


nettool http rest 

After being annoyed of the OS X font bug from http4e I searched for a free http request analysis tool, where you can freely manipulate the request. I needed this as I’m currently developing a RESTful webservice which delivers XML and json to clients. The clients had problems in some browsers to get the ajax requests done. So I wanted to check if the right content type and charset was returned if any Accept headers had beend set on the request.


jtidy java html cleanup 

A couple of days ago I tried to modify a html page using a DOM. When I tried to convert the page into a Document instance the parser threw some SAXExceptions, complaining about the structure of the document, sort of “this tag needs to be closed” and the like. The source was html output generated from Docbook. I neither had the time nor the intent to mess around cleaning up the generated html, but could remember there was something called Tidy. So I searched for a Java library, and there it was. JTidy, looking like an unmaintained project, but being the right tool to clean up a html page and transform it into valid xhtml. The API is pretty straight forward.


Latest blog post

how to disable and enable fingerprint sensor on Lenovo laptop

Since I tend to forget how to disable and re-enable the fingerprint sensor on my Lenovo Thinkpad, here’s how to do it on the shell.


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KubeVirt - making running virtual machines in a kubernetes cluster a mainstream activity

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